Ainsley’s square shows her trying to make sense of the pandemic. “The lines coming out of my head are jumbled thoughts. They represent what I was going through, which was a crowded head kind of trying to figure things out.” But the pandemic has also given Ainsley some time for quiet reflection. “It was very nice to have some time for introspection during a crucial time in my life, with the college selection process. Also it was in the middle of the Black Lives Matter movement and I had a lot of time to work through my thoughts on that. Obviously that’s a work in progress but it was nice to have the time to sit and think about what I need to be doing better.” Ainsley has enjoyed the embroidery project, particularly as it has given her a perspective on Zimbabwe. “I’m not hearing about what’s happening outside the US. We don’t see how other countries are responding and are affected. I’m very excited to see their squares.”
Ainsley describes her new thoughts about these changes as one jumbled mess inside her head